Recent events have brought hardships unlike anything we have collectively experienced and thus, requires new ways of approaching life and death. It is a tough time to be alone, or to feel alone.
We all need support sometimes. We all need connection.
We at the Virtual Death Doula Network, Inc. understand the difficulties one faces when coming to terms with death and dying, whether it be one’s own mortality or that of a loved one. We are here to support those dealing with anxiety related to death and grief regardless of where they are in their own life journey. Death, dying and grief can be heavy, confusing and intimidating topics to deal with, and it is our mission to aid in making sense of it all. We are here to assist those supporting someone in the dying process, and to help with any and all necessary parts, including your self-care and emotional and spiritual well-being.
Are you experiencing anxiety related to illness, death or dying?
Do you know someone who is sick or dying?
Are you struggling with grief?
Has a death or illness affected your sense of well-being?
The doulas at the Virtual Death Doula Network are here to help you.
For a quicker response, use the Chat Box on the bottom right corner of the screen.
We are offering 15 minutes of complimentary messaging time with one of our doulas to discuss whatever is on your mind related to grief, death and dying. We provide live closed-caption transcripts via Zoom for those with hearing loss. If you would like to speak with us beyond that, please make an appointment. We conduct appointments via messaging, phone or Zoom. We operate on a sliding scale system and will work with you to help you get the services you want.
Hourly Rate: $150-$50/hour, sliding scale (suggested: $90/hour or $45/half hour)
Let’s Talk About Grief
Grief is highly personal and unique to each individual
There is no timeline and no wrong/right way to grieve
Conflicting emotions are okay (and typical)
It’s okay not to cry immediately (or continuously)... there is no timeline on tears
Grief may be experienced in a number of different ways (emotionally, physically, socially, behaviorally, spiritually, intellectually)
Emotions/feelings may be erratic, confusing and/or misplaced and may include:
Explosive emotions
Physical symptoms may include:
Fatigue/sleep difficulty
GI symptoms
Muscle aches and pains
Chest pains and pressure
Tension, Agitation, Anxiety - Shaking, Heart Palpitations
Social symptoms may include:
Feeling withdrawn
Fearfulness of being alone
Dependent/clingy behavior
Surrounding self with others as a form of distraction
Irritability and moodiness
Changes in role, status, family system
Behavioral symptoms may include:
Crying and sobbing
Trying to ‘stay busy’
Avoiding reminders of the dying/deceased
Experiencing sudden, overwhelming grief
Spiritual symptoms may include:
Searching for meaning
Asking ‘Why’
Mystical experiences
Anger and other confusing emotions towards God
Comfort from God
Using rituals to heal
Prayer and meditation
Intellectual symptoms may include:
Preoccupation with the dying/deceased
Inability to focus/concentrate
Memory problems
Emptiness or heaviness
For a quicker response, use the Chat Box on the bottom right corner of the screen.
Let’s Talk About Death and Dying
It’s okay to feel strange or uncomfortable talking about death and dying.
How to talk to the dying (it’s okay to feel uncertain or even uncomfortable)
How to be present with the dying.
It’s okay to not know about or understand the dying process… that’s part of why we’re here
We will support you so you may better support your loved one
Stages of Death
End-of-life energy/space/atmosphere (what to expect as someone approaches their final days)
When death comes quickly or is unexpected
Anything that comes up for you as an individual
We Can Also Help You with the Logistics of Dying
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic sometimes requires people to quickly navigate unfamiliar spaces. We can help you or your loved ones have the uncomfortable conversations surrounding topics like
Advanced directives
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders
Powers of Attorney (Legal and/or Medical)
Legacy Projects
Arrangements for care and rehoming of pets
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